World Translation Center provides professional Nagamese translation services for English to Nagamese and Nagamese to English. We can also translate Nagamese to and from over 150 other languages, including all the principal languages of Europe, Asia, South America, the Middle East and a number of African languages, at affordable rates.
Our Nagamese professionals have the ability to provide translation for any project you might have, including marketing materials, technical, financial, legal and medical documents, websites and software. Our experienced project managers will match your project with a translator team appropriate for the field of expertise required. Each individual linguist works solely in his or her own mother tongue and within his or her field of expertise guaranteeing not only quality translation, but proper localization at the same time. After each document is translated, it will be edited and proofread by an additional professional translator to ensure highest possible quality.
We also provide transcription, video recording and subtitling services. Should you need to have an existing video dubbed, a commercial narrated or a telephone system recorded, our native Nagamese speakers are available to furnish expert voiceover services.
We pride ourselves in delivering high quality cost-effective services, whether your project is small or large, simple or highly complex.
India has many official languages, the main ones are Hindi and English, but there are 21 other languages spoken in India. Some languages cross over borders into Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
The languages of India belong to several major linguistic families, the two largest being the Indo-European languages, Indo-Aryan (spoken by 70% Indians) and the Dravidian languages, (spoken by 22% Indians). Other languages spoken in India come mainly from the Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Burman linguistic families, in addition to a few language isolates (a natural, or ordinary, language that is spoken, signed, or written by humans for general-purpose communication as distinguished from formal languages (computer programming languages) and constructed languages (those languages that have been consciously devised by an individual or group, instead of having evolved naturally).
The official language of the Republic of India is Hindi, and its subsidiary official language is English.
The individual states can legislate their own official languages, depending on their linguistic demographics. For example, the state of Tamil Nadu has Tamil as its sole official language, while the state of Jammu and Kashmir has Kashmiri, Urdu and Dogri as its official languages.
Article 345 of the Indian constitution provides recognition to "official languages" of the union to include any one or more of the languages in use in the state or Hindi language adopted by a state legislature as the official language of that state. Until the Twenty-First Amendment of the Constitution in 1967, the country recognized 14 official regional languages. The Eighth Schedule and the Seventy-First Amendment provided for the inclusion of Sindhi, Konkani, Manipuri and Nepali, thereby increasing the number of official regional languages of India to 18. Individual states, whose borders are mostly drawn on socio-linguistic lines, are free to decide their own language for internal administration and education.
Every Indian language uses special character fonts and requires a special operating system to display the font properly. Translated text will be delivered in PDF, formatted files in high resolution PDF ready to print.
World Translation Center can now handle translation and desktop publishing in these languages:
Assamese, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Boro, Coorgi, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Khasi, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Marathi, Mizo, Nagamese, Oriya, Punjabi, Santhali, Tamil, Telugu, Tulu, Urdu.
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Translate Nagamese to English
Nagamese Translator
Translate Nagamese
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